[jQuery] jQuery parent remove

2010-01-06 Thread Lone Wolf
Hi, I am having problem with this function. $(document).ready(function(){ $('table.small td img.delete').click(function(){ $.get('ajax/update-callback.php', {doaction: 'remove', callbackid: $ (this).attr('id')}, function(data){

[jQuery] Re: Autocomplete -- Autofill Comma Seperator Issues

2009-09-07 Thread Patrick Wolf
Hi, have you tried to set the option selectFirst to false? Regards Patrick On Sep 3, 8:15 am, Mil formboardem...@wdoenterprises.com wrote: Does anyone have any ideas for this issue? On Sep 1, 4:49 am, Mil formboardem...@wdoenterprises.com wrote: Hi, I am trying to use this

[jQuery] Re: Clickable autocomplete, like google

2009-09-07 Thread Patrick Wolf
Ladksak, try to set the option matchContains to true. Regards Patrick On Sep 3, 5:59 pm, ladksak slingrs...@gmail.com wrote: the problem is that i need it to work with the script i posted the link thats because the UIAutocompleteis not as good... if i type ODE in the ui he doesn't show

[jQuery] manipulate elements with filter

2009-08-17 Thread Wolf
Hi, I need clone a row and update the elements inside of them, but i cant update elements dynamically. example Jquery. $(#clickmeIMg).click(function(){ var insertDataBefore = $('#tablaFormulario').find('tr:last') insertDataBefore.clone(true).insertAfter(insertDataBefore).find

[jQuery] Re: Animate menu effect on mouseout

2009-08-16 Thread Wolf
This is related to an earlier question I posted ('Superfish - animate effect). So, yes Charlie - the 'menu' is a plugin and I am now trying to write some code to make it animate (slideup) on mousout. I understand from you previous reply that I would have to write a new function into

[jQuery] Re: Animate menu effect on mouseout

2009-08-16 Thread Wolf
to be done in hideSuperfishUl so you are on right track Wolf wrote:This is related to an earlier question I posted ('Superfish - animate effect). So, yes Charlie - the 'menu' is a plugin and I am now trying to write some code to make it animate (slideup) on mousout. I understand from you

[jQuery] Animate menu effect on mouseout

2009-08-15 Thread Wolf
I am new to this. I want to animate the menu 'height' on mouseout (it works fine on mouseover) - basically a slide up/slide-down effect. How would I go upon that?

[jQuery] Superfish - animate menu on mouseout

2009-08-15 Thread Wolf
Is it possible to animate the Superfish menu on mouseout (like a slidedown/slideup animation)? I only manage to get the animation on hover/mouseover to run (using 'height').

[jQuery] Re: Filter (attribute, value)

2009-08-14 Thread Wolf
var path = var here = ; path = http://mydomain.localhost'' || http://mydomain.com;; var here = $(#Navigation li a[href='+Path+']); href must contain simple quotes because you use double quotes in the beginning, but if have different href you can use something like this $

[jQuery] Re: Help with using the 'not' selector

2009-08-14 Thread Wolf
hi you have ask if the id is different, then dissappear the div o element $(body).click(function(){ IF($(this).attr('id') !=FM_OPTIONS) { $(#FM_OPTIONS).fadeOut('fast'); } });

[jQuery] Re: .load() and executing JavaScript from loaded content

2009-08-14 Thread Wolf
I think you should try this, send the script or function. example. $(#form_dialog).dialog({ /*some options */}) .load(url,{}, function(){ $(head).html(scr + ipt\n + function step1() {\n + setTimeout('step2()', 10);\n + }\n + function step2() {\n +

[jQuery] Re: Merging two jQuery collections

2009-08-14 Thread Wolf
i dont understand , but you want append content de foofbars to foo or mixed ..? what contains foo and foobars?

[jQuery] Re: Merging two jQuery collections

2009-08-14 Thread Wolf
you can use something like this with css for the visual-style.. div class= style=float:left; id=list ablablablbla title/a div p blablablbla coming!br/ Buy now blablablbla r free!br/ well,

[jQuery] Unable to trigger a event on page load

2009-08-01 Thread wolf
I bind a custom event on page A,then ajax load page B。In page B,there is a a link which trigger the custom event. Problem is :the trigger function work when i place the trigger function in page A ,but not work in B by ajax load. Help! jQuery Core:v1.3.2

[jQuery] Re: Animate Delay Issue

2009-02-24 Thread Wolf
I just watched a couple of videos on Ajaxian.com where John Resig was talking about chaining, but it didn't sink it. Thanks for the help. My animation works great now. On Feb 24, 5:35 am, Stephan Veigl stephan.ve...@gmail.com wrote: Hi Wolf, try to stop previous animations before adding

[jQuery] Animate Delay Issue

2009-02-23 Thread Wolf
I have a strange delay issue. I'm working on a menu animation. When a user moves their mouse to the top, it will move the menu up and when they move their mouse to the bottom, it moves it down. When I first move the mouse over the menu, the animation fires. But there is a big delay (maybe 2

[jQuery] Re: array method on a jQuery object: deleting, adding elements

2008-07-14 Thread wolf
hm funny but i can't confirm that add and filter work as expected (not what i expected, at least). i have a website open in ffx2 / firebug and the only script loaded is jquery 1.2.6. then i do var d = $( '#logo' ) d [div#logo.tab-me] d.add( '#daisy2' ) [div#logo.tab-me,

[jQuery] Re: array method on a jQuery object: deleting, adding elements

2008-07-13 Thread wolf
Check out the functions here, particularly under Filtering: http://docs.jquery.com/Traversing thx. i am aware of those methods but can't see how i can add this, delete that element from a jQuery object using those. i gather that underlyingly jQuery is using some sort of Array object to manage

[jQuery] array method on a jQuery object: deleting, adding elements

2008-07-12 Thread wolf
hi all, since a jQuery collection (say, `var j = $( 'div' )`) looks and behaves a bit like a standard javascript array (you can iterate over it, fetch single elements using `j[n]`, delete everything doing `j.length = 0`), what is the preferred way to do other array-like manipulations on it?

[jQuery] Correct way to read and write JSON string

2008-02-14 Thread wolf
ok, thanks to everyone for the answers. I can now see why there is no jQuery method to decode a JSON string: the eval is done implicitly, since underlyingly, a script is requested when doing an Ajax JSON request. Got that, and yes, if your source is trusted, then maybe eval() is really the way to

[jQuery] Correct way to read JSON string

2008-02-13 Thread wolf
hi, what is the correct way in jQuery to decode = deserialize a JSON string? jQuery itself can obviously do it as it can formulate and read JSON via Ajax. But i seemingly can't find a callable in jQuery that allows me to decode JSON without issuing an HTTP request. That is strange to me. Can

[jQuery] problem with animate scrollTop and XHTML

2007-09-20 Thread wolf
i am looking for a solution to scroll pages smoothly and found the example at http://dev.jquery.com/~john/ticket/step/test2.html that does exactly what i want. i ported the code, but to my dismay, it stopped working in both firefox and ie. i finally found the culprit is, surprise!, the XHTML

[jQuery] Re: problem with animate scrollTop and XHTML

2007-09-20 Thread wolf
[EMAIL PROTECTED] karl, that did it! your page http://www.learningjquery.com/2007/09/animated-scrolling-with-jquery-12 is very informative, too! jquery is truly awesome. i never look back to writing javascript w/out a library like this (and when i do i get that sinking feeling--- javascript is