I have a page that uses SWFUpload.  It lets the user select multiple
files, then it puts those files in a queue and uploads them.  After
each one is uploaded, a callback fires that makes an AJAX request to
the server for filename of the picture as it now exists on the server
(obviously, it gets moved and renamed).  That url is assigned to
the .src attribute of a new image, and then when the image is loaded
it gets displayed in sort of an "Uploaded Images" div.  My problem is
that about one time in three, the AJAX request will return with a
blank response.  Firebug indicates that no request has even been

My theory is that maybe I'm running into the HTTP/1.1 two-connections-
per-client limit, but I don't honestly know.  For the record, the
server is extremely reliable generally -- I wrote a quick script to
submit an identical request once per second and let it run for five
minutes, and out of 300 AJAX requests there wasn't a single one that
came back empty.  Also, it's definitely not a server-side scripting
problem, since I experience this problem even when I replace the
script with a static page.

Any ideas on what might be causing the problem or how to fix it?



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