I'm new to jQuery.  I would love some help with the following.

I'm using the validator plugin. Here is a description of what I'm
trying to validate.

Step 1 (required):

Select Vehicle Make.

<select name="Vehicle Make" class="required">
   <option value="Chevy">Chevy</option>
   <option value="Ford">Ford</option>
   <option value="Other">Other</option>

Step 2a: (this is required if select is "Chevy" or "Ford"):

If Chevy or Ford, Select Vehicle Type.

<select name="Vehicle Type">

Step 2b: (this is required if select is "Other"):

If Other please enter details:
<input  type="text" />
<input  type="text" />

The validation is working except when selecting "Ford".  If "Ford" is
selected in step 1., Step 2a should be required.

I have a working demo here: http://www.ma007.com/test/index.html

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

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