Spam detection software, running on the system "", has
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has been attached to this so you can view it (if it isn't spam) or label
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the administrator of that system for details.

Content preview:  On Jan 15, 2008, at 3:32 AM, Lionel Martelly wrote: > 
  Why is the instant edit not editing please? When I click on it it > 
  allows me > to edit but the text does not update at all. > Thanks > 
  $(function() { > $(".click").editable("save.php?do=instant", { > id: 
  "head_420", > indicator : "<img src=images/spinner.gif'>", > tooltip : 
  "click to edit", > style : "inherit" > }); });<b > class="click" > 
  id="head_420" style="display: inline">click to > edit</b>if > 
  ($_REQUEST['do'] == 'instant') { $myvalue = $_REQUEST['value']; > 
  $head = > $_REQUEST['head']; $arts = explode("_",$head); $artid = > 
  $articles[1];do db > update here echo $myvalue; exit; [...] 

Content analysis details:   (5.8 points, 2.5 required)

 pts rule name              description
---- ---------------------- --------------------------------------------------
-0.7 BAYES_05               BODY: Bayesian spam probability is 1 to 5%
                            [score: 0.0207]
 6.5 AWL                    AWL: From: address is in the auto white-list

--- Begin Message ---

On Jan 15, 2008, at 3:32 AM, Lionel Martelly wrote:

Why is the instant edit not editing please? When I click on it it allows me
to edit but the text does not update at all.
---------------------------------------------------$(function() {
                $(".click").editable("save.php?do=instant", {
                        id: "head_420",
                        indicator : "<img src=images/spinner.gif'>",
                        tooltip   : "click to edit",
                        style  : "inherit"
}); });-------------------------------------------------<b class="click"
id="head_420" style="display: inline">click to
($_REQUEST['do'] == 'instant') { $myvalue = $_REQUEST['value']; $head = $_REQUEST['head']; $arts = explode("_",$head); $artid = $articles[1];do db
update here echo $myvalue; exit;

PHP part looks bit confusing to me. Have you checked with Firebug that values sent to PHP script are the values you are expecting?

Mika Tuupola

--- End Message ---

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