Today, I've released a small bit of code that I have been working
with.  I needed an easy way to track my arrays, and be able to pop and
push data in to them, so i created the jQuery simple array manager:

To use the manager, you first need to create your 2D array:

var myArray = $().arrayMan({width: 6, height: 6});

You can then pop data into any x/y position within the array:

$().arrayPush(myArray, 'This is the data I want to insert', {x:0, y6});

To display this data, I can then easily assign it to a variable for example:

var mydata = $().arrayPop(myArray, {x:0, y:6});

The plugin should be easily expendable to support more dimensions in
arrays, but for my needs I only needed a 2D array.  Hope someone finds
this code useful.

Tane Piper

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