Hi, i'm trying to make a div showing when user moves mouse over a
link, so html is this:

                        <a href="page.php?id=3" class="menuItem" 
                        <span id="newsBar">
                                <a href="mandi">provanews</a><br>
                                <a href="mandi">provanews</a><br>
                                <a href="mandi">provanews</a><br>
                        <a href="page.php?id=3" class="menuItem" 
                        <span id="eventsBar">
                                <a href="mandi">provaeventi</a><br>
                                <a href="mandi">provaeventi</a><br>
                                <a href="mandi">provaeventi</a><br>

i've inserted this jquery code:

        $('#eventi').hover(function(e) {
        $('#eventsBar').bind("mouseleave",function(e) {
        $('#news').hover(function(e) {
        $('#newsBar').bind("mouseleave",function(e) {

so, in IE7, hovering the first link makes the newsBar span showing and
hovering the second makes eventsBar showing. In IE8, only the last
link works (i've tried to add one more link and first 2 doesn't

The problem is with the .show function, if i use the .css
("display","block") the span appears but i want to make it animate..
Here you can find a live demo http://www.pedalegemonese.it/testing/test.php

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