
I've got following problem with UI plugin loaded dynamically on page.
Whole application works fine on FF, Opera and IE. Unfortunately
problem occurs in Chrome and Safari.
I've got some master page with menu, and I'm loading new pages on
click event using following code:

 $('#menuwelcome').click(function() {
                $.post("welcome.aspx", function(data) { $("#load").hide
(); $("#load").html(data).fadeIn("slow"); });

Page is loaded into div on master page. In this loaded page, I've got
code which is creating tabs from list items. In IE, FF and Opera, page
is loaded and after that UI Tabs are creating tabs. In Chrome and
Safari page content is just loaded, but nothing else happen. It's only
showing list of items and that's all. Code which is creating tabs:

        $(document).ready(function() {
<div id="welcome">
            <li><a href="Profil/welcome.aspx">Willkommen</a></li>
            <li><a href="Profil/profil.aspx">Unser Profil</a></

Any ideas why it's not working in these 2 browsers?

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