I know that, on occasion, I've needed to filter my code for specific user agents on both the client and server-side. One thing that I never realized was the shear breadth of user-agents out in the wild.

In looking through Dzone.com, I came across a link to a site which has a massive list of user-agents and I definitely bookmarked it because I find that type of info invaluable:


I'm not associated with the site in anyway. I just thought that it would be a good resource for your guys.

In case someone's not familiar with user-agents, they're typically used to identify what client is hitting your website. Wikipedia gives a nice explanation as:

"A user agent is the client application used with a particular network protocol; the phrase is most commonly used in reference to those which access the World Wide Web. Web user agents range from web browsers to search engine crawlers ("spiders"), as well as mobile phones, screen readers and braille browsers used by people with disabilities."


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