
I've got a page which has two parts, a side bar, and a main content
The main container is tabbed with your excellent plugin, but the contents of
the sidebar must also vary in-line with the tabs.
What I've done is given the tab <li> elements IDs like 'action-tab', and the
<div> elements IDs like 'sidebar-action-tabcont' so that with onShow and
onHide handlers for the tabs I can show and hide the relevant tabs.

The one problem with this is that these handlers are not fired for any of
the tabs when they are initially setup with .tabs(), so I would suggest that
this be done once they are setup - call onHide for the inactive tabs and
onShow for the active one. Do you agree with this? Or can you make an
alternate suggestion if I'm going about this wrong?


Rob Desbois

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