
I just started implementing the jquery Validate-plugin on a site i'm
working on.

I'm new to jQuery and have not been deeply interested in javascript

However, everything works fine. Thanks!

I have a few problems though, that i need som help on how to fix.

1. Im using sucess: "valid" to print a label with the class valid when
somethings entered correct. Is it possible without to much pain to
pass on a message to the valid-label? Like "Thats right!". Either one
globally or even better one for each input.

2. Is there possible to have a (again without to much work) label
there from the start, with a separate class containing a hint about
the input box? Which then switches to .error or .valid when the user
starts to type in the input?

3. And a last one, is there possible to validate digits/numbers but
still allow dashes and whitespaces?

Thanks in advance!

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