I'm a bit confused. In the autocomplete plugin source I see these

                                // try to leverage ajaxQueue plugin to abort 
previous requests
                                mode: "abort",

The ajaxqueue plugin that Jorn links to here from bassistance.de,
looks like it'll work, because I see the following:

        $.ajax = function(settings) {
                // create settings for compatibility with ajaxSetup
                settings = jQuery.extend(settings, jQuery.extend({},
jQuery.ajaxSettings, settings));

                var port = settings.port;

                switch(settings.mode) {
                case "abort":

HOWEVER, when I got to the ajaxQueue project/plugin page (http://
plugins.jquery.com/project/ajaxqueue), the download link points to a
drastically different-looking file (http://plugins.jquery.com/files/
jquery-ajax-queue_1.0.js.txt) which doesn't even seem to touch $.ajax
to add support for the 'mode' parameter--it only defines $.ajaxSync
and $.ajaxQueue.

What gives? Is the one that Jorn links to just not the
"official" (i.e. non Resig-authored) AJAX queuing library?


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