Hi all,

I've donwloaded the jquery tooltip form:
and it is working great except for the following:

I need to put the tooltip closer to the cursor so I've edited
jquery.tooltip.js and changed
        $.tooltip = {
                        top: 15,
                        left: 15
                        top: 1,
                        left: 1

As this did not work, in my page I've added:
$('#content img').tooltip({
                                            track: true,
                                            delay: 0,
                                            showURL: false,
                                            showBody: " - ",
                                            fade: 250,
                                                        top: 1,
                                                        left: 1,
                                                        id: "tooltip"

But it does not work again, the tooltip is still quite far from the
Please give me a hand here, I'm using the tooltip inside of an iframe
and if it is this far from the cursor it gets cut off by the iframe
border (that I cannot make bigger).

Thanks a ton in advance!

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