I feel like an idiot but I can't get getJSON to work in firefox - can
anyone give me a pointer?

here is the code - top function is the jquery documentation demo code
which works in IE and firefox.  bottom version never hits the alert:

                  $.each(data.items, function(i,item){
                    if ( i == 3 ) return false;


the .aspx page generates this string:


It doesn't validate in http://jsonlint.com/ but neither does the demo
from flickr.  When I change the round to square brackets to make it
validate it doesn't help.

Someone posted that if the json object isn't valid to jquery, it fails
silently.  IE I can access the individual data (I know I'm just
alerting the object above but it does let me access the properties.
I've traced it in firebug and it looks like its going through - the
ajax call is made the same way the flckr version is - somewhere in the
depths of the jquery code i'm sure it's different but i haven't found
it yet.

Any help greatly appreciated.


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