jQuery Team, Plug-in Developers, and Users:


We recently discussed this, and nothing much came of the discussion, but

now that jQuery 1.2 has been released, the problem is more clearly evident
than ever,

it seems to me.


There has got to be a better way to handle new releases of jQuery and

which plug-ins are still or are no longer partially or completely compatible
with the

new jQuery verison.


I've noticed that most of the discussion on the list recently seems to
revolve around

topics stating that a particular plug-in is having problems with the new jQ
version and

does anyone know how to get this working?


Too much time and energy has to go into determining what plug-ins or even
part of

plug-ins still or no longer work with the current version of jQuery.


The approach now is simply "trial-and-error" on the part of users and if

breaks, try to find someone who has had a similar problem and ask how they
solved it.

We've got versions of jQuery and plug-ins all over the map and the only way
to determine

what works together is to try it and see if it breaks.  Then the hunt begins
for a solution.

If none is found, the user must go back to an earlier version of jQuery that
does work,

and forget about using new jQuery features in the current version until all

plug-ins and dependencies on a particular site are brought up-to-date.


This is not a satisfactory way of proceeding.


I believe we should have the following setup for updating jQuery and


First of all, we should have a list of various jQuery versions available:


-          previously stable, released versions of jQuery

-          the current stable release of jQuery

-          the "under-development", next release of jQuery for those who
want to test


Secondly, a list of plug-ins that are officially recognized by the jQuery


-          plug-ins that have been placed on an official list by the jQuery
team as having

met certain conditions to be declared "official":


o   Plug-in developer has tested plug-in with one or more versions of jQuery

and deemed it to be stable and versions are listed with plug-in description

o   All dependencies of this official plug-in are listed and are tested and

declared compatible with various version of jQuery

o   If problems come up with an official plug-in, then the plug-in is simply

pulled off the official list, or at least a warning is posted, until the

are resolved


-          a setup such as this would by no means require developers of
"official" plug-ins

to have to keep their plug-ins compatible with new jQuery versions, users
just have

to know that they're not compatible

-          there would also be a list of "unofficial" plugins. those
plug-ins that are

available, but have not gone through the trials and testing by the developer
to meet

the standards for an "official" plug-in


A jQuery/Plug-In setup such as this would allow a potential jQuery or
plug-in user to go to a page,

select a jQuery version and display all "official" (see above) plug-ins
available, as well as previously

official plug-ins which have not yet met current "official" standards for
the latest jQuery version.

All official plug-ins would be required to list all dependencies and state
whether or not the plug-ins

are working with their dependent plug-ins.


The same setup would work by allowing a user to select a plug-in and have
the system return

compatibility information for all jQuery versions, including version
numbers, and compatibility

information for all dependent plug-ins, including version numbers.


Part of this system could be a wiki site where users could provide anecdotal
evidence and experiences

of jQuery and plug-in usage and code examples.


I'll stop here. I'm sure there's more that could be added.


Perhaps this has already been done in whole or in part.


But as the popularity of jQuery increases, the number of new users
increases, and therefore, the

number of users who aren't experienced enough with the day-to-day
information concerning

jQuery and plug-ins to know "off the top of their head" what works and what


I'll be glad to volunteer to design, code, host, and create the site and
database needed.

I'm not experienced enough with jQuery to provide all the info to put into
the system.  I could create

a login for jQuery team members and plug-in developers so they could
maintain their information

in the system.  This would be the best and most accurate way to keep
accuracy in the data, anyway.


I have enjoyed my limited experience with jQuery and find it very
user-friendly, especially since I have

no background in Javascript.  As ColdFusion has made web-app development
available to me with no

app development background, so has jQuery made Javascript development
available to me with no

Javascript background.


But as the jQuery landscape grows more complicated and dense with growth,
it's becoming harder and

harder to navigate the jQuery terrain.  For those of us who want to "pop-in"
and find some functionality,

and then re-visit  jQuery land in a few month's time, a system like this is
necessary.  Otherwise, we spend

too much time wandering around lost and seeking information, when we need to
be productive.


Just some thoughts on the present situation.


Other thoughts, anyone?







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