I don't even know where the problem is exactly. Please, if you could
show me some way to go...

I want to check the checkbox that have the specifc ID. Here is my

if (sgconfs.default_domain != '') { $
("#"+sgconfs.default_domain).attr("checked", "checked"); }

Ok. The sgconfs is an object. The value of is sgconfs.default_domain
correct. This come from a MySQL database, via JSON, etc.

When the value in database is "dom_89", for example, it works fine.
The checkbox is checked as expected. The other value I have is
"exatati.intranet". Well, when this is what I have in mysql the code
don't work. The checkbox isn't checked...

I look the W3C specification and the value of an id can contain the


What that could be? How can I solve this issue? Any thoughts?

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