Hello all! I have what I think is a complicated gallery to build.
Being new to JS I was told that jQuery is the place to start. I'm
hoping this is possible... Well, I realize that most things are
possible with enough time and effort. But, what I really need to know
is if I can build something like this myself. Here's what I need to

There is a main gallery page with a grid of projects - each row will
have four thumbnails to represent the gallery. Well, what I need to
have happen is when someone clicks on a project thumbnail the projects
<div> will slide down to reveal that project's gallery pulled in via
AJAX. Also, I need a "Next" and "Previous" button so users can move
through the project galleries without having to go back to the main
projects page. Along with that I need to have "Return to Projects
Page" link on each gallery page that will cause the projects page to
slide up and cover the gallery. Does this make sense?

I realize I may be asking a broad question and it may be a lot to ask,
but I was hoping somebody could help me map out how I need to do this.
Thank you.

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