There are just too many accordions out there, can someone point me in the right direction. This need not be fancy:

<div class="post>
<h3>title 1</h3>
        <p>some copy here</p>
        <p>some more copy here</p>
        <p>and some more copy here</p>

<h3>title 2</h3>
        <p>some copy here</p>
        <p>some more copy here</p>
        <p>and some more copy here</p>

<h3>title 3</h3>
        <p>some copy here</p>
        <p>some more copy here</p>
        <p>and some more copy here</p>

On load, I would want the all p's hidden, which are in the class post, or, if I could say all p's that are children of the h3's, but I am not sure technically, they are children.

The first h3 of course should not be hidden. On clicking any of the h3's, which I will href a link to '#' on, that one should go from hidden to shown. Clicking on any other h3, will toggle the one that is on, to off, and then turn the clicked one on.

Basic, every example I find breaks in some way, or spends a lot of time prettying it up, which I do not need. A final link at the bottom to "expand all" would be nice.

About 80% of the examples out there fail on more than 1 p tag after the h3. I suppose I am going to have to wrap each in a set of divs?

Scott * If you contact me off list replace talklists@ with scott@ *

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