I'm having trouble figuring out how I can perform say, a hide
on a div, by clicking a button on one div, which uses a class used by
other divs.

*Lets say I have this:*

<div class="message">
<a href="#" class="delete">Delete</a>
<p>Message text</p>

<div class="message">
<a href="#" class="delete">Delete</a>
<p>Message text</p>

<div class="message">
<a href="#" class="delete">Delete</a>
<p>Message text</p>

*then the jquery is:

*$("a.delete").click(function () {

This will hide all the messages, rather then the one I clicked the
delete button on.
Right now I'm using server side code to give each div a unique id,
have the jquery like this

var inc = "<%#Eval("PrimaryKeyID")%>";
$("a.delete"+ inc).click(function () {

This works, but it's not the best option, as I need to keep the JS
inline and I'd rather be able to seperate it into a .js file, and use
in future projects just by writing the correct html then dropping the
file in the head.

If anyone can show me the right way to do this, it would be extremely

- Liam

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