
I am trying to post an XML string back to an ASP.net page.  The XML
string is created in the client code and I am trying to use the
jQuery.ajax() method...

        type : "POST",
        url : "AjaxHandlerPage.aspx",
        data : {
                method : "Save",
                data : xmlString
        contentType: "text/xml",
        processData: false,
        dataType : "json",
        cache : false,
        success : function(data) {
                // Process data here

When I call this method, I get a jQuery error "s.data.match is not a
function".  If I remove the "processData: false" property the method
runs, but I get a server error (I don't think I'm correctly processing
the data on the server e.g. Request.Forms["method"] does not work in
this instance).

So, in summary, I think I have two problems:

1) I don't know the correct way to post the XML data, and...
2) I don't know how to process (server-side) if I did!

Does anyone have any experience in this process that they could share
with me?


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