I can't even say if this is related to JQuery or not - but I'm hoping
someone else might have an idea.

I have a myriad of sites that use a framework I have developed all use
packaed and gzipped JS loaded in the Head from an external file
including JQuery and JQuery UI.

Works fine on PCs (all browsers) - pages load under 3 seconds
Works fine on Ubunti in FF - under 3 sec
Works fine on iPhone in Safari - around 5sec (wireless so I'm not
On Mac systems (latest OS) FF, and Safari - the same pages take over
45 seconds before the user sees any display.

If I drop all the JS then the Macs render the pages up to speed.

I tried serving the JS unpacked and not gzipped - same issue.

I don't have a Mac here so I am relying on several users to test for
me so I'm still waiting to see if leaving in the JS but removing my
onReady code makes any difference. My only current guess is that there
is some extreme delay while parsing the DOM for things like $
('div.something').doSomething(); in onReady.

I find this very odd that it would affect different browsers with
different rendering engines and only on the Mac.

Any ideas?

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