I'm using a modal dialogs and I love them, but I haven't found a
really elegant way to handle actions in the dialog window that require
changes to the parent page.

Here's an example.  I have a monthly calendar page that lists employee
names on the days they are supposed to work.  Clicking on an employee
name opens a "shift detail" page in a modal dialog.

That shift detail page has more information like the specific tasks
planned for the day, the start time and stop time of the shift, etc.
>From this shift detail screen, I can remove this particular employee
from the schedule by submitting an AJAX POST from this popup.

After I remove the employee, I need to update both the popup window
and the original page that hosted the link to the popup window.  Right
now I do this by adding a callback that fires when the AJAX POST
succeeds.  That callback then updates both pages.  The callback is
named "after_remove_employee".

This system gets really nasty when I use the "shift detail" popup on
different screens.  For example, in addition to the monthly view, I
also have a weekly view with more information.  So after an employee
is removed from the schedule on the weekly view, I need to do some
different things in the callback.

Right now, the way I handle this is that I define the same callback
twice.  I define "var after_remove_employee = function (data) {...} on
the weekly view to do what it needs there, and then I define it
differently on the monthly view.

I've simplified the problem to help explain it.  In reality, I have
lots of different popups on lots of different pages, and in each
popup, there are many different possible actions.

I'm sure I'm not the only one that's been in this scenario.  What is
an elegant solution?

I'm thinking about using custom events.  So, the callback after a
successful AJAX POST would just fire an "employee removed" event, and
everybody subscribed would get a reference to the event object and do
whatever they want.

However, I've never used JS events before, and I don't know if this is
even possible.

Please, any feedback is welcome.

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