Hi all

Just a quick note - the behavior plugin doesn't work with any method
which fires the $.ajax method - $.load, $.post, $.get, etc. - when
using the latest jQuery (

Thought I'd mention it as the FAQ is a little miss-leading: <http://


The above doesn't work.

I modified the test.html file that comes with the plugin to test
the .load method by loading a second html doc with a div to see
whether the links were attached, but had no joy.

Reviewing both the plugin and jquery source it seems as though no
triggers are bound to the .ajax method. I'm not sure whether this is
because jquery has been refactored, or something else. I tried using
previous versions (1.1.2, 1.1.1, 1.1) with no luck.

Thought I'd let you guys know, so you can amend the FAQ. Or, if you
*have* got it working, you might be able to tell me how and make the
FAQ a little clearer.


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