Hey, i'm using ajaxform to submit form.
But before submiting i use a BlockUI plugin to confirm that submition.
If user clicks Yes - everything fine, but if he clicks No ar first and
then submits form again and presses Yes,
then my ajaxSubmit does his submition twice (or more, depending on how
many times in a row user clicks No before)
How to avoid this thing?

Here's my code (those "Insert (back) DOM element" are to copy the dom
element back to page, as i use different Forms on one page that needs
different confirmation messages. Tried using Clone method but somehow
it didn't work, but maybe there are mo Intelligent ways of doing the
same thing?)


        $(".ajaxForm").livequery('submit', function() {
                var formData = this;

                var domConfirm = $(formData).next('.ajaxFormConfirm');
                var domAlertMsg = $(formData).nextAll('.ajaxFormAlert');


                $('#yes').one("click",function() {

                                dataType: 'xml',
                                success: function(data) {

                                        var value = $('value', data).text()
id='blockUI-Text'>"+ value +"</

                                        $('#ok').one("click",function() {

                                                //Insert (back) DOM element.


                $('#no').one("click",function() {


                        //Insert (back) DOM element.
                        $("#blockUI-Text", domAlertMsg).remove();



                return false;

Thanks in advance.

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