Hi all,
i try to debug a bad behavior in IE (6+7), i found:
This Plugin works not when the CSS definition is global set on a
My engl. is to bad to wirte it better, i have setup a Demo of the problem.


Please look at this and you see was you get ;)

What is to do? Have any interest to upgrade this Super-Plugin? The Autor
self is not seeing anymore :(

By the way:
I have edit the jquery.corner.js to better styling the CANVAS-elements,

if (opts.tl) { var tl = $(creatCanvas(this,radius,"tl")).css({left:p_left,top:p_top}).get(0); } if (opts.tr) { var tr = $(creatCanvas(this,radius,"tr")).css({right:p_right,top:p_top}).get(0); } if (opts.bl) { var bl = $(creatCanvas(this,radius,"bl")).css({left:p_left,bottom:p_bottom}).get(0); } if (opts.br) { var br = $(creatCanvas(this,radius,"br")).css({right:p_right,bottom:p_bottom}).get(0); }

var creatCanvas = function(p,radius,olaf) {
elm.className = "canvas" + olaf;

This give me (and you) better handel with CSS, spezial in IE6:

<canvas class="canvastl" ...... or
<canvas class="canvasbr" ..... and so on....

Viele Grüße, Olaf


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