Hello, I'm sure this is easier then I'm thinking but ... what I need
to do is fire the doSomething();  and or the "$
(window).bind('resize', ...etc" functions out side of the "$
('[class^=Round_gen]').filter(function() {... etc"

... right now they are inside so I could get them working... but they
loop every time.... I want to do them all at once... just not sure how
to call them for out side....

thanks for the help...

$(document).ready(function() {
    var SORUCE = '/rounded_rectangle_r.swf';
    $('.Round_gen53').attr('rel', '' + SORUCE + ':::transparent:

    $('[class^=Round_gen]').filter(function() {
        return /Round_gen[0-9]+/.test($(this).attr('class'));
    }).each(function() {
        $(this).each(function() {
            var $this = $(this);
            var params = $(this).attr('rel').split(':');
                flashvars: {
                    rounded: ['' + params[4] + ''],
                    stroke_w: ['' + params[5] + ''].join(' ')
                version: 8
            function(htmlOptions) {
                var self = this;
                $this.css("padding-right", "" + params[11] + "px");
                $this.css("position", "relative");
                htmlOptions.width = self.offsetWidth;
                htmlOptions.src = params[0];
                htmlOptions.wmode = params[3];
                this.innerHTML = '<div class="" style="">' +
this.innerHTML + '</div>';
                htmlOptions.height = this.firstChild.offsetHeight;
                function doSomething() {  //// move this out????
                    var NEWheight = self.childNodes[1].offsetHeight;
                    var NEWwidth = self.childNodes[1].offsetWidth;
                    $this.contents(".sizeME").css("height", NEWheight
+ 'px');
                    $this.contents(".sizeME").css("width", (NEWwidth +
20) + 'px');
                    $this.css("height", NEWheight + 'px');
                    var SAheight = $('.thrColLiqHdr').innerHeight();
                    //alert (SAheight);
                    $('.traction').css("height", SAheight + 'px');
                var resizeTimer = null; //// move this out????
                $(window).bind('resize', //// move this out????
                function() {
                    if (resizeTimer) clearTimeout(resizeTimer);
                    resizeTimer = setTimeout(doSomething, 3);
                doSomething(); //// move this out????
var SAheight = $('.thrColLiqHdr').innerHeight();
        //alert (SAheight);
                $('.SA').prepend('<img class="traction" src="images/blank.gif"
style="position:absolute; left:0px; top:0px; width:100%; height:'+
SAheight +';">');


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