I have a scenario where i need to detect when the content area of the
browser changes size. Now, normally one would just attach to the
window's resize event and be done with it. But, this does not work
when something on the page causes a scrollbar to appear. The window
never raises and event since the window did not change size, just its
content did to make room for the scrollbar. So, my next attempt was to
hook into the body resize like this:


But unfortunately this never fires in any browser other than IE (for
once it does something I want it to). Does anyone have an elegant
solution to this? All i need to do is detect that a scrollbar has
appeared and my page width has changed because of it. I need to do
this since I am absolutely positioning an element next to an inline
element and I need to keep it in the correct position even when a
scrollbar appears or the window is resized.

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