
I'm working on a project that used to implement Mootools 1.11. It has
been decided however that we switch over to jQuery since it is much
faster and more light-weight.

However, because we have created numerous widgets in Mootools, we
still have to use it while the jQuery equivalent widgets are being
developed. We have implemented the noConflict method with various
degrees of success.

We have noticed that after upgrading from jQuery 1.2.6 to 1.3, that
using the old Mootools 1.11 along with jQuery, renders the class
selector useless.

Executing something like jQuery(".myClass") or jQuery("div.myClass")
returns an error: "context.getElementsByClassName is not a function".
It occurs in the following section:

if ( document.documentElement.getElementsByClassName ) {
    Expr.order.splice(1, 0, "CLASS");
    Expr.find.CLASS = function(match, context) {
        return context.getElementsByClassName(match[1]);

Strangely enough the expression "if
( document.documentElement.getElementsByClassName )" yields a result
of true, but context.getElementsByClassName is still undefined. The
"context" in this case is the document object itself.

I'm suspecting that it has got something to do with Mootools that is
throwing a spanner into the works. Has anyone encountered a similar
problem? Or has anyone got some comments on the subject?

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