Glen (and others):


This looks better on a big screen but do I have this right?




PS How do I keep my email address from getting displayed on my messages?


From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Glen Lipka
Sent: Saturday, July 21, 2007 7:33 PM
Subject: [jQuery] Re: Click to Call a Function Part 2


here is a demo of the table 

You should think about your html like a giant tree.  The <html> tag is the
trunk, then the <body> tag is a branch, and then the <table> tag is a branch
off that, and so on and so on, down through each nested item.  Climbing up
means towards the trunk of the tree.  Siblings are branches right next to

A great tool, which is sounds like you may not have it Firebug for Firefox
and IE Dev Toolbar for Internet Explorer. 
They are MUST HAVE tools for any web developer.  They are absolutely
essential.  Google for them and you will see.

Ooops, kids need to be brought to the park.  Gotta run.  :)



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