Apologies if this post appears twice, but I posted it at approx 9am
GMT, but it never appeared.

When using ClueTip within and Ajax UpdatePanel, the tooltip appears on
initial page load.

Then clicking on an 'edit button' hides one panel and displays
another. Upon returning to the initial page view (clicking 'Cancel' or
'Save' performs a second partial page update and returns to the
initial grid view), the tooltip no longer displays.

Is this a limitation of the clueTip plugin, or do I need to do
something particular to resolve this issue?

The script is initialised as:

<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">
        $(document).ready(function() { $('.nicetooltip').cluetip
({ attribute: 'rel', splitTitle: '|', cluetipClass: 'jtip',
dropShadowSteps: 2, ajaxCache: true }); });

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