
I have a small problem with image maps and clueTip.

Client requires 4 map areas on an image (plus the image itself) to
trigger cluetip.

The image itself triggers a sticky clueTip with now Title
2 Map Areas trigger a standard clueTip with custom width with No Title
2 Map Areas trigger the same sticky clueTip as the image with No Title

I almost have this working, the Image itseld triggers properly as to
the first 2 Image Maps as normal clueTips.

But unfortunately the Title is appearing on the 2 Map areas that are
triggering the sticky, even though I have these set to showTitle:
false in both my Javascript in the header as well as the

The image itself does not display a title, but this is due to no ALT/
TITLE values being set. Unfortunately the 2 image maps do require ALT/
TITLE values in the HTML, I just don't want them to show up in the
sticky clueTip.

This is my Javascript in the header of the page.
$('area.ref').cluetip({width: '350px', showTitle: false, leftOffset:

// #sticky is for the whole image when not clicking on the image map
$('#sticky').cluetip({showTitle: false, sticky: true, closePosition:
'top', arrows: false, width: '500px', activation: 'click', topOffset:

// the following is for both image map areas.
 $('area.map').cluetip({splitTitle: ' ', showTitle: false, sticky:
true, closePosition: 'top', arrows: false, width: '500px', activation:
'click', topOffset: -250, leftOffset: -500});

And here is my HTML Code for the image and Image Map.
<a id="sticky" href="/ref/mod3/chart-1.html" rel="/ref/mod3/
chart-1.html"><img src="img/module_3/chart-1.jpg" width="380"
height="262" usemap="#chart" /></a>
        <map name="chart" id="chart">
                <area class="ref" shape="rect" coords="134,63,141,73" 
ref-14.html" rel="ref/mod3/ref-14.html" />
                <area class="ref" shape="rect" coords="353,63,360,73" 
ref-21.html" rel="ref/mod3/ref-21.html" />
                <area class="map" shape="poly"
coords="25,84,26,154,102,202,180,153,180,84,24,84" href="/ref/mod3/
chart-1.html" rel="/ref/mod3/chart-1.html" alt="Image Map 1 sticky"
title="Image Map 1 Sticky" />
                <area class="map" shape="poly"
coords="277,201,200,155,199,83,353,84,354,155,276,200" href="/ref/mod3/
chart-1.html" rel="/ref/mod3/chart-1.html" alt="Image Map 2 Sticky"
title="Image Map 2 Sticky" />

Any ideas on how I can turn off the Title in the 2 Image Maps that are
triggering the Sticky clueTip?

I've tried everything from hacking the CSS to stripTitle with a " ".

Thanks in advance.


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