
I'm using jQuery 1.2.1 (I love it... the selectors are most awesome
and it has a very "functional" flavor)

I've got a situation that I've seen on Firefox 2.0 (it may be an issue
on other browsers.)  It seems that I can only have 2 pending HTTP
requests from the browser to the same server at a given time.

I've been adding Comet support to lift ( and it's
pretty cool.  lift opens an HTTP GET request to the server with a list
of components on the page and last modified times.  If the components
have a newer modified time, the server immediately responds with
updates, otherwise the server keeps the connection open until either
one of the components updates or 2 minutes elapses.

There is also the possibility of doing an AJAX call on the page and
the AJAX calls may update the components causing them to redraw.  This
gives us 2 open connections.

The problem comes in if I've got 2 browser tabs open to the same site
(2 open HTTP Comet connections.)  In that case, the AJAX requests
block until one of the Comet connections closes.

First, is this expected behavior?

Second, is there a way to test to see how many browser tabs/windows
are making a request on the same server?

Third, is there a priority for POST rather than GET or are they
treated the same way?

Fourth, is there a way to kill the pending Comet request when I know
I'm about to do an AJAX request?

Fifth, are there any questions I'm not asking that I should?



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