The online documentation for jQuery.noConflict() seems to be
incorrect, or ambiguous at best. Here is the text I'm referring to,
from :

NOTE: This function must be called after including the jQuery
javascript file, but before including any other conflicting library,
and also before actually that other conflicting library gets used, in
case jQuery is included last.

There are several problems here. The second "and also" clause seems to
actually be an alternative, not an additional requirement. This needs
rewording, since it seems to imply it's also a requirement -- but it's
impossible to include jQuery last, yet call jQuery.noConflict() before
including other libraries, so clearly this needs to be rewritten.

Also, there is a link on that page to
which says that if jQuery is included last, noConflict() is
unnecessary (again, despite what the noConflict() documentation says).

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