I am having a real problem with some container divs whose content is
loaded via the .load() function. Each div holds a table containing a
form. When the form is submitted it adds (or removes) a row to the
table. When a row is added to the table the div elements that follow
do not move down to accommodate the new height. Here is some pseudo

div id="container" (contents loaded via .load())

#container contents:

div id="tablecontainer"
  table (loaded with an initial number of rows.)

The table contains a form for adding new rows of data. When the form
is submitted (using the ajaxForm plugin) the #container div is re-
load()ed, at this point FF2 and IE7 correctly moves the following div
blocks down to allow the #container div to fit in. IE6 however doesn't
move anything and the now larger #container element overlaps the
content below.

I have trawled through google trying to do the hasLayout thing but
nothing seems to work. The only thing that corrects the layout is to
refresh the whole page which defeats the object of using ajax to load
individual bits.

Anyone got any ideas suggestions. The code is on a secure site so I
can provide a url. If I have time (It is now 00:11 here) I will try to
put together a demo of the problem. Hopefully it will be a simply fix.



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