I was recomended to come here, so I will re-enter the post I made at a
vBulletin assistance site and see if my problem can be corrected using

I'm just about ready to go live with my latest and I have added a
rotating type slide show hosted by Photobucket. This site will be for
Ham Radio operators and they will be submitting their QSL cards that I
scan and copy up to the slide show. Here's what I want to do.

The text added to the vBulletin header template is this:

<div style="width:100%; text-align: center;"><embed type="application/
x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" src="http://
albums/.pbw" height="90" width="100%"></div>

I just put it at the top in the template and there it is. But, I
realize that having that running all the time is a bit annoying, so I
need a way to turn it off. Normally I just remove it from the template
and it's gone. How can I add a button to the top of my home page that
says "QSL Slideshow on/off". If I had that, users could control it
themselves. How can I control that little bit of text in the template?
Would I add a template and have that text in a seperate template or
rem it out, or what? It would need to be controlled by each user
effecting only what they see.

My first post had a lot of readers but only once response and I was
told this task could be handled easily by jQuery. Was hoping to get
some feedback from the community, before going any further, Thanks

Check it out:  http://kcHamRadio.com

JD in KC

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