I am toying with using jquery to display media. I have successfully
used it to slideDown a div and show the <object></object> tag
contained within the div.

I have a couple of problems.

1) When the video is finished it just sits there. I would like it to
slide back up and disappear. Is there a way to tell when the video is

2) In IE the div that contains the object tag is hidden on document
ready. Even though the video is hidden you can still hear the sound
and it is obvious that it is still playing even though you can't see
it. Is there a solution to this? In Firefox the video does not start
playing until the div is shown.

3) In Firefox when I attempt to do a fadeIn on the div with the
<object></object> tag the Windows Media Player seems to overcome the
fadeIn and show itself immediately.

Any help on these would;d be appreciated.

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