
I am mostly an ASP.NET and SQL developer and I have no experience with
I am starting to use JQuery now and it seems really good.

I need to convert a Javascript code to use JQuery. Could someone,
please, help me out?

The Javascript code:

 function onUpdating(){

        // get the update progress div
        var updateProgressDiv = $get('updateProgressDiv');

        //  get the gridview element
        var gridView = $get('<%= this.gvCustomers.ClientID %>');

        // make it visible
        updateProgressDiv.style.display = '';

        // get the bounds of both the gridview and the progress div
        var gridViewBounds = Sys.UI.DomElement.getBounds(gridView);
        var updateProgressDivBounds =

        var x;
        var y;

        //    do the math to figure out where to position the element
            //  center of gridview
            x = gridViewBounds.x + Math.round(gridViewBounds.width /
2) - Math.round(updateProgressDivBounds.width / 2);
            y = gridViewBounds.y + Math.round(gridViewBounds.height /
2) - Math.round(updateProgressDivBounds.height / 2);
        else if($get('rdoTopLeft').checked){
            //  top left of gridview
            x = gridViewBounds.x;
            y = gridViewBounds.y;
            //  top right of gridview
            x = (gridViewBounds.x + gridViewBounds.width -
            y = gridViewBounds.y;

        //    set the progress element to this position
        Sys.UI.DomElement.setLocation (updateProgressDiv, x,

    function onUpdated() {
        // get the update progress div
        var updateProgressDiv = $get('updateProgressDiv');
        // make it invisible
        updateProgressDiv.style.display = 'none';


If possible I would like the function to receive the ID of the
updateProgressDiv instead of using "updateProgressDiv" and the ID of
the ASP.NET control instead of using "this.gvCustomers.ClientID"

Could someone, please, help me out?

Thank You Very Much,

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