Sorry guys, but I cannot get my head around this one. I am trying to
create a vote button that looks like the ones here,

I already have ALL of the backend logic programmed. I even already
have everything working, the problem is, I am using CSS to display the
buttons. This does not allow me to resize the button on a MOUSEOVER
state like I was told javascript was able to do. I know there is a
mouseover function in jquery, but I am confused about what I should
do, display an image or what? And how to go about doing that. Here is
what my javascript looks like atm, using css.

        $("div.mybutton span").html($currentvote);
        $("div.disagree span").html($disagree);
        $(".mybutton span").click(function(){

                $("div.mybutton span").load("/stories/vote/" + $idof);


        $('.disagree span').click(function(){

                $("div.disagree span").load("/stories/disagree/" + $idof)


Maybe someone knows a way to do what I want, I'm really quite lost
here so any advice would be GREATLY appreciated. Thank you.

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