Hey jqueriers!
I've been working on implementing a carousel on my live music site
HearWhere so that I can scroll through popular shows.
After playing with a few different plug-ins, I settled on the AMAZING
cycle plugin by Mike Alsup.

I've got the cycle working on my dev site

I load the cycle first via ajax and it works perfectly.
However, using the same code on subsequent ajax calls does not work,
even if I use .empty() to remove the current carousel items.

the code I use is pretty simple

function wrapPopShows(){
    cleartype:  1,
     timeout:  3000,
     speed: 900,
     pager: 'div#pager',
         fx: 'scrollUp'

I don't believe I can use the standard 'callback'  function, as data
which is returned in 'response' is a large list of shows, only some of
which end up in the cycle, the rest are shows statically, as well as a
bit more data.

I am trying to avoid making more than one ajax call when a user gets a
results page (which is loaded by ajax).

Any idea on how to stop/remove the cycle function and then restart it?

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