Hi there,

I'm trying to fake a hover effect. The markup (roughly) looks like

<div class="left_col">
    <h2><a href="/work/">Portfolio</a></h2>
    <div class="project">
        <a href="/work/folio.html"><img src="folio.jpg" alt="View
folio." width="230" height="110" /></a>
        <h1><a href="/work/folio.html">Folio Project</a></h1>

<div class="right_col">
    <h2><a href="/work/">Portfolio</a></h2>
    <div class="project">
        <a href="/work/folio-2.html"><img src="folio-2.jpg" alt="View
folio 2." width="230" height="110" /></a>
        <h1><a href="/work/folio-2.html">Folio Project 2</a></h1>
        <p>Description 2&hellip;</p>

While hovering the H1 link i want the border color of the image in the
same parent div to change color as if they were in a single link
(which would be incorrect html),
and if they hover the linked image i would like the H1 link in the
same parent div to change color.

I tried the first with
$(this).next('h1 a')
$('.left_col h1 a').css({color: '#ffffff'}).mouseover(function(){
    $(this).stop().css({color: '#ddded5'});
    $(this).stop().prev('a img').css({borderColor: '#ddded5'});

I'm probably missing something very simple, but i can't figure it out.


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