Hi all,

I have recently released a beta version of my new plugin, the Drive
jQuery plugin.

This plugin is a new kind of DOM builder: it allows you to construct
the DOM using basic jQuery selectors.
It searches for elements, and if none is found, it attempts to create

For example, assuming a default element tag = 'div':

$('#element1 > #element2.class1 > span#element3.class2 > img').drive
( );

is the equivalent of:

    $('<div id="element2" />')
                $('<span id="element3" />')
                        .append($('<img />'))

I need people to try and test my plugin :-)

If you are interested, here is the repository on Github:

Downloads page:


If you encounter any bug or weird behavior, or if you have any
comment, please reply to this post!

Thank you for your help in advance,


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