Hello folks,

The code and HTML below are from a quiz editor - I have an onClick function that fires duplicateRow to add another question box onto the end of the table.

Firefox does what I expect to happen - it selects the last <tr> row. IE7 and Safari, on the other hand, appear to treat the <tfoot> as the last tr in the table.

Is there a way to satisfy the interpretation of all three browsers?



function duplicateRow(){
        var clonedRow = $("#question_table tr:last").clone();
        var iRowID =  parseFloat(clonedRow.attr("id").replace('t',''));
        iNewID = iRowID + 1;
$("#bc"+ iRowID , clonedRow).attr( { "id" : "bc" + iNewID,"name" : "correctans" + iNewID, "checked":false } ); $("#lba"+ iRowID , clonedRow).attr( { "id" : "lba" + iNewID,"for" : "theans" + iNewID } ); $("#lbb"+ iRowID , clonedRow).attr( { "id" : "lbb" + iNewID,"for" : "bc" + iNewID } ); $("#lbc"+ iRowID , clonedRow).attr( { "id" : "lbc" + iNewID,"for" : "fb" + iNewID } );
        $("#sL"+ iRowID , clonedRow).attr( { "id" : "sL" + iNewID} );
$("#fb"+ iRowID , clonedRow).attr( { "id" : "fb" + iNewID,"name" : "feedback" + iNewID, "value":"" } ); $("#theans"+ iRowID , clonedRow).attr( { "id" : "theans" + iNewID,"name" : "answer" + iNewID, "value":""} );
        $("#question_table tr:last").attr( "id", "t" + iNewID);
        $("#sL"+iNewID).html("Answer "+parseFloat(iNewID+1));

<tr id="t4" class="qdot"><td colspan="2"><p><label class="label7" id="lba4" for="theans4"><span id="sL4">Answer 5</span></label><textarea rows="3" id="theans4" name="answer4" class="qinput30">lateral buds only</textarea></p><p><label class="label7" for="bc4" id="lbb4">Correct?</label><input name="correctans4" id="bc4" value="1" type="checkbox"></p><p><label id="lbc4" class="label7" for="fb4">Feedback<br>(standard)</label><textarea rows="3" name="feedback4" id="fb4" class="qinput30">while they do occur in axillary/lateral buds, they also occur at terminal buds</textarea></p></td></tr></tbody><tfoot><td class="strong smfont90"><a href="#" onclick="duplicateRow();return false;" title="Add more options to this question"><img src="images/add.png" class="timg" alt="Add more options" width="16" height="16"></a> Add more possible answers</td></tfoot></table>

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