This is a complete noob question for which I apologize in advance.  I
have a form that creates multiple instances of a contact text box that
I want to use the same Autocomplete function.  The ids on the fields
are dynamic.  The code as I have it works but rather than creating a
function for each field, it would surely be better to create one
function that handles the field ids with variables.

My script code in the header looks like this...

$().ready(function() {

$("#contacts1").autocomplete('getContacts.cfm', {
        minChars: 2, // The absolute chars we want is at least 1 character.
        width: 600,  // The width of the auto complete display
        max: 25,
        formatItem: function(row){
                return row[0]; // Formatting of the autocomplete dropdown.
        function(event, data, formatted) {
        // Make sure there's data
        if (data) $('#cpid1').val(data[1]);

$("#contacts2").autocomplete('getContacts.cfm', {
        minChars: 2, // The absolute chars we want is at least 1 character.
        width: 600,  // The width of the auto complete display
        max: 25,
        formatItem: function(row){
        return row[0]; // Formatting of the autocomplete dropdown.
        function(event, data, formatted) {
        // Make sure there's data
        if (data) $('#cpid2').val(data[1]);


Now the fields down in the form...

<input name="EnvContactID_1" type="hidden" id="cpid1" />
<input type="text" name="EnvContactName_1" id="contacts1" size="65" />

<input name="EnvContactID_2" type="hidden" id="cpid2" />
<input type="text" name="EnvContactName_2" id="contacts2" size="65" />

Since the textbox fields are dynamic, these can grow very large in

Thank you for the help and again, I'm sorry to ask such a beginner's


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