I've been working on a script to slide in new table rows with form
elements inside them and then either submit all the rows or cancel and
remove them - either one at a time or all at once. I've got the basics
down, but I've just got a few minor problems and I've marked them in
my code with //PROBLEM: in the comments.

1.) When I add a new row or remove all added rows, the callback after
the animation is called once for each div in the table row, since
that's what I'm performing the animation on.  I need a way to limit
this to only happen once.

2.) If the "add" button is clicked very fast (only initially), the
submit/cancel controls never appear.  Not sure why, but I need a way
around this.

3.) If rows are removed individually, when I get down to 1 row the
controls do not move to the correct spot. I know why this happens, but
I'm not sure how to fix it.

Here it is: http://jsbin.com/ixezo - (and just to mention I need to
use function calls instead of $(element).click()'s so please don't re-
format anything like that).

Any help or insight here is greatly appreciated!

Also, I had some earlier questions solved in this thread:
(just for reference)

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