I'm a pretty new. So I have some understanding of the language. I'm a
designer primarily (which explains the uncode-ness). I'm betting
someone's already written a plug-in like this but I wanted to get some
experience writing a plug-in myself & make my life a bit easier and

Anyways, I've ported an old javascript function (originally a
christian heilman script) to jquery that i'd use to install rollovers
rather easily and unobtrusively. I've got it to work here:(http://

I'm kind of at lost of how the plugin writing works. The following is
my attempt at it:


jQuery.fn.mouseOverImg = function(class) {

    $(this).addClass(class); // set a class to roll over images

    var imgs = $("img").filter(class); // find classes to bind
    var parentimg = imgs.parent ();
    imgs.each(function() {
        var url = $(target).attr('src');
        var ftype = url.substring(url.lastIndexOf('.'),
url.length); // find the file type
        var fname = url.substring(0, url.lastIndexOf('.')); // find
the file name
        var output = fname + '_on' + ftype; // output becomes
            if(output) {
                .hover(function() {
                    $(this).attr('src',    output);
                    function() {
                    $(this).attr('src',    url);


I've loaded it into the website currently and it doesn't recognize
that function. at least thats what firebug says. Any ideas?

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