I have a page where I need to trigger a function call when a user
changes the value of either end of the slider.  I create the slider
when the DOM is ready using this:

$('#productmatrix-slider').slider({ min: sliderMin, max:sliderMax,
range: true, change: function(e,ui) { submitProductMatrix() } });

The function 'submitProductMatrix() is defined elsewhere in my .js

So, this works whenever I grab one of the slider handles and move it.
However, I also have a button the user can click that will 'reset' the
slider back to the original sliderMin and sliderMax values.  This is
the code that does that:

function setCurrentSliderPositions(currentPositionLow,
    $('#productmatrix-slider').slider("moveTo", currentPositionLow,
0 );
    $('#productmatrix-slider').slider("moveTo", currentPositionHight,
1 );

The problem is that for each "moveTo", it triggers that callback
function, and so I end up executing the 'submitProductMatrix' function
twice when I reset the the slider.

So, my thought was that I could unbind the 'change' event on the
slider before I do the 'moveTo' and then rebind the 'change' event
after I am done.  But, I can't get that to work.  Does anyone have any
ideas on what I am doing wrong?

Thanks in advance, Chris

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