I just wanted to post this information,
related to interface>imagebox usage
- it is a really great plugin, btw!

I spent a wee bit of time trying to debug FF issues
- related to loading imagebox html using jquery's ajax methods. Seems
it stalled after first click
- that is when clicking second image of hml loaded via ajax >> the
script stalled. -- subsequent clicks did not load image.......

I perused these and other forums - with no answer.

What I discovered is the need to remove residual imagebox divs
and then re-instantiate Imagebox itself

my problem code for FF was:

function initAjaxImageBox(){
      loaderSRC: 'img/imagebox/loading.gif',
      closeHTML: '<img src="img/imagebox/close.gif" / border="0">',
      // etc

the solution code is:

function initAjaxImageBox(){
      loaderSRC: 'img/imagebox/loading.gif',
      closeHTML: '<img src="img/imagebox/close.gif" / border="0">',
      // etc

initAjaxImageBox is called within an ajax method (on success)

i hope this helps others
just posting this for general info.....


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