I am wanting to turn all TD tags, that have width="65%", into links,
based on the tag text, when the page loads.
I don't have access to change the HTML itself.

I have gotten part way there, but have been unable to get the filter
to work:

                <script language="JavaScript">

                        $("td").filter("width=\"65%\"").click(function () {
                        $(this).replaceWith("<td width='65%'><a
href='classDetails.php?class=" + $(this).text() + "'>" + $
(this).text() + "</a></td>");


And here is some of the HTML from the document:

<tr valign="top">
            <td nowrap="nowrap" width="10%" align="right">&nbsp;</td>
            <td nowrap="nowrap" width="20%">&nbsp;</td>
            <td width="65%">Introductory Chemistry I</td>
            <td nowrap="nowrap" width="5%" align="right">3</td>


What would I need to add to filter out all the TD tags that don't have
And have it take effect after the page loads instead of on click?
I tried to replace click with ready, but no effect. And removing the
ready wrapper breaks things.


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