My main requirement is:

I want to put a click handler on a <div> containing a table that
allows me to determine which row of the table has been clicked, using
event delegation as the table may be updated dynamically, and could be
quite large.

With a secondary requirement arising:

I want to determine if a particular DOM element or jQuery object is an
ancestor of another.  The solutions I found on the web all assume that
the putative parent is specified using a selector string, which
doesn't help me as I may have many elements that are not easily
distinguished by selector.


I have constructed some code that does what I want, but it doesn't
feel very "jQuery-like" - it seems to be unreasonably clumsy, and I
can't help feeling there is an easier way.

Am I missing something, and can someone point me at it?

 * Helper function returns a click event handler for row selection:
 * determines which row has been selected, then pops up a local
context menu
 * to allow that row to be associated with a data selection option.
shuffl.card.dataworksheet.rowSelect = function (card, cbody)
    function select(event)
        cbody.find("tbody tr").each(function (rownum) {
            // this = row element in dom
            // Is the current row element an ancestor of the event
            if (jQuery(this).find("*").index( >= 0) {
                alert("Selected row number "+rownum);
        return this;
    return select;

The handler is bound using a call like this:

{{{, cbody));


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