When using $.ajax() i encounter some problems.

With the ajax I'm calling a script that will return some html. When
echoing the returned data, I can see that everything is returned
including the javascript tags.

When 'inserting' the returned data into a div on the screen, the
javascript seems to be executed but i can't see it in the generated

I cut it all down to some simple insertion of html into a div like

$("#freediv").html('<h1 id="test">test</h1><script
language="javascript" type="text/javascript">alert("Bla");</
script><p>Bla bla</p>');

The html is inserted in #freediv but i can't see the script tags
(although alert("Bla") did get executed).

The real problem is when i try to use some jQuery in the html:

$("#freediv").html('<h1 id="test">test</h1><script
language="javascript" type="text/javascript">$("#test").click(function
(){ alert("Bla"});</script><p>Bla bla</p>');

Isn't this possible at all?

I'm using this to create some 'popup' forms (maybe with SimpleModal)
and I want to include some javascript into the response that is
specific for that form (like validation and other actions). I know i
can use liveQuery or even jQuery's live() but then i need to have all
the javascript for every used form already in the main document.

I hope you understand my problem ;)

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