I'm using the following autocomplete plugin: 

It's getting its data from an array, here are the first couple of
data[0] = "Magnesium (s) | R: 11, 15 | S: 7/8, 43";
data[1] = "Saltsyra 4M (aq) | R: 36/38 | S: 2. 28";
data[2] = "Natriumnitrat | NaNO3 | R: 8, 22";

I have four different input elements:
- Name, which triggers the autocomplete
- three other ones

When the user enters something in name and the choses one of the
autosuggested lines, I don't want it to put that entire name into the
input window. I to ONLY put the name into it, the name is always the
first part of the string, the part before the first |.

Then I want to put the information between the first | and the second
| into the second input box, the information between the second and
third | into the third box, and the information left in the string I
want to put into a fourth input element.

How can this easiest be achieved?

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